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Eye Diseases – Diagnosis & Treatment

What are the most common ocular diseases?

There is a large range of eye diseases and conditions. The most common diseases include glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.

The surprising truth about eye disease is that there are often no symptoms early on.

Only your eye doctor can detect eye diseases at an early stage when there is a better chance to develop an effective disease management plan.

Don’t delay — early detection is key. Schedule an appointment at Madison Eye Care today.


A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s internal lens structure which can affect your vision at distance and near. Cataracts occur in everyone as it is a natural aging change of the ocular lens. Although there are many forms of cataracts, common forms of cataract can block light, making it difficult to see and can get worse over time.

In the early stages, you may be able to improve your vision with corrective lenses.  As a cataract continues to progress or become more clouded,  your vision can be severely impaired and you may need to consider cataract removal surgery.

Common symptoms of cataracts include increased difficulty with glare at night or increased light sensitivity, overall more dimmed vision, seeing bright colors as more faded or dull,  blurred vision at distance and near even with up-to-date corrective lenses.

Schedule an appointment at Madison Eye Care with one our knowledgable doctors to have your eyes evaluated for the possibility of cataracts and to discuss the next steps.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes affects all of your bodily systems and organs, and including your eyes.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common type of diabetic eye disease. With diabetic retinopathy, the blood vessels in the retina do not sense light as they normally would because they are constricted or damaged.

People who have diabetes are also more prone to cataracts and glaucoma.

Only your optometrist can detect eye diseases at an early stage when there is a better chance to develop an effective disease management plan. Schedule an appointment at Madison Eye Care today.


Glaucoma is a progressive, irreversible eye disease that results in gradual loss of peripheral or side vision. This disease is associated with your eye pressures. The signs and symptoms are very slow and gradual, which are not noticeable until the disease is severe. The best way to assess for glaucoma is to have an annual dilated eye exam.

While glaucoma is considered a progressive eye disease, there are treatments that can slow the progression of the disease.

If you have any family history of glaucoma or are over the age of 60, you are at a higher risk of having the disease. Please schedule an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss screening options or further special testing to monitor and treat for the disease.

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a chronic, progressive disease that gradually destroys sharp central vision due to a deterioration of the macula, a tiny spot in the central portion of your retina comprised of millions of light-sensing cells. Because it is so commonly associated with aging, it is also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). There are two forms of AMD called “dry,” the most common form with no known treatment, and “wet,” a less common form that can be treated with laser procedures or medicated injections to treat the bleeding.

In most cases, reversing damage caused by AMD is not possible, but supplements, protection from sunlight, eating a balanced diet and quitting smoking can reduce the risk and progression of macular degeneration. For suggestions, speak with one of our Madison Eye Care doctors.


At Madison Eye Care, we have experienced doctors and advanced equipment to appropriately diagnose and often treat the eye diseases detailed above, as well as many other eye diseases.

For more information please schedule an appointment at Madison Eye Care.